Being grateful is a way of life. The grateful person accepts all of life as a gift. It is about satisfaction versus deprivation. Gratitude strengthen social ties and increase one's sense of personal worth.
A. Gratitude journal -to write at least once a week, minimum of 5 things you are grateful for it- hints
- write and deliver a gratitude letter from time to time
- imagine a different life, substracting the good things
- deprive yourself consciously, find happiness in deprivation.
B. Gratitude letter - hints
-to someone who helped you, write a real letter with what she/he did for you, why are you grateful, how she/he impacted in your life.
-deliver it in person, face to face, read it to that person, pay attention how you feel, how she/he feel, leave the letter to her/him.
End of the month report - January 2025
3 weeks ago
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