Tuesday 5 January 2016

How to live a happy life! - Hint

Did you ever heard of Ann Marie Roepke and her concept of post-ecstatic growth

Quote: "While past research suggests that people experience positive psychological changes after adverse events, little is known about psychological changes that happen after positive events. Adult participants (N = 605) went online to complete a new self-report instrument measuring positive psychological changes linked to positive events, changes that I provisionally call post-ecstatic growth. Factor analysis indicated that this growth happens in four domains: deeper spirituality, increased meaning and purpose in life, improved relationships, and greater self-esteem. Participants were particularly likely to report growth after events that evoked feelings of inspiration and meaning, and events that led them to see new opportunities."

She is also assisting in positive gaming research with Dr. Jane McGonigal, Rose Broome, and the rest of the team at SuperBetter Labs. (I already wrote about this here and here!)

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