Saturday, 14 December 2013

How to find the perfect girlfriend - day 1169

No luck today,after a night shift i just slept until 3 PM, went to gym after, failed to buy cinema ticket for The Hobbit, come home to play Hearthstone and LoL for a while (new champion - Yasuo). A bit of Wing Chun with my friend, a bit of Facebook, i cook some salmon with rice, and is five o'clock in the morning. Time to sleep now, i want to buy some fruits from the market tomorow, and maybe a lottery ticket. Need to get rich fast, or at least to make enough money to build a Eartship (zero carbon print house - see google for more).
And i definitely want a six-pack for the next year, my belly is getting bigger day by day. Good night!

Friday, 13 December 2013

How to find the perfect girlfriend - day 1168

Seems like nothing is real. We hide behind ourselves. We don't really exist anymore. Yesterday I learn a new word. Cosplay. When someone dress like his/her favourite anime character. This is what we all do. Each of us living in our own world. Intangible. Invincible. I am still looking for the perfect girlfriend. More news soon.