Motto: "Until you make the uncoscious conscious, it will direct your fate and you will call it FATE."
Carl Jung
Yes, we are doing some small scale damages to our macro-Universe, as we are destroying our planet and slowly depleting the earthly resources. We are killing ourselves in unnecessary wars, or indirectly by not taking enough care of ourselves. But this cannot even start to compare with the potential damages. We are playing gods with forces and energies we cannot even fathom to understand, do not make me even start to talk about how we try to control them. We are trying to understand, and in our journey, we are using cannons to hit targets as big as a fly. The damages are irreparable, and they tend to be passible to reoccurence. They come back to bite us when we do not even expect. I will not talk about the atomic power and the energies of the atoms right now. This is too easy to understand. Boom, and the human race is no more.
I will try to raise awareness about another hidden danger. The total lack of care of our microbiome (and by this i mean the 1000000000000000 bacteria living in our gut) is coming back with a vengeance. By creating something inocous such as sweeteners, we modified the human microbiota for generations to come. We caused potential diseases such as leaky gut syndrome, auto-immune diseases, inflammatory bowel dsisease, obesity, allergies, cardio-vascular diseases, cancer and maybe some other that we did not realise yet. One of the direct link to all these problems seems to be microbiota dysbiosis (also called dysbacteriosis, is a term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body, such as an impaired microbiota). More about this, there are bacteria like Bacteroides Fragilis, which can improve neurological symptoms related to the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and Lactobacillus helveticus, which can greatly improve the behavioural, cognitive and biochemical aberrations caused by chronic restraint stress. In messing up unwillingly with out microbiota, we make it posible for a whole pletora of diseases to appear or increase their occurence. we messed up physically, emotionally and mentally too.
Keep in mind that using a cycle of antibiotics will kill the beneficial microbes also, not only the pathogens, just to give another example. Seems a paradox, but as our knowledge increase, our potential to erase ourselves as a race increases also. We are very efficient in destroying the pathogens, but this can have unexpected consequences. We are forgetting that dirt is good, and that the difficulties will make us more resistant as an organism.
Maybe this is the reason why we did not encounter any aliens yet, as any civilization that advance too quickly will self-destruct at some moment in their evolution.
Think about this.
End of the month report - January 2025
3 weeks ago